How to Relieve Back Pain During the Night

How to Relieve Back Pain During the Night

Getting through your day with an aching back can be difficult, but it’s even worse when that back pain is causing you to toss and turn your way into sleepless nights. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation has reported that the vast majority of those who are suffering from chronic back pain also suffer from sleep deprivation. So how can you manage to get the sleep that you need to function at your peak during the day, and avoid the pain that seems to be the problem during the night? While addressing an aching back can take some time and effort, there are some simple tips that can get you headed down the path toward better sleep, and we’ve gathered several of them to share with you.

Tip #1: Try Using a Body Pillow

Many back pain sufferers have discovered that the simple addition of a good quality body pillow is enough to make a big difference in their nighttime back pain. Health and sleep experts recommend using a body pillow that is 5 or 6 feet in length, and placing it along your body and in between your knees for the most effective relief of back pain.

Tip #2: Adjust Your Pillow Position

Your back pain could also be improved by adjusting the position of your pillow, according to sleep experts. Many people place their pillows under their head, neck, and shoulders, which could be what is causing some of the pain that you are experiencing in your back. To take some of the pressure off of your back, try moving your pillow up until it is under only your head and neck, while keeping your shoulders on the mattress.

Tip #3: Upgrade to Memory Foam

There has also been a link to chronic pain from sleeping on a traditional innerspring mattress, which creates pressure on your joints and muscles while you sleep – causing you to toss and turn during the night as your body searches for a more comfortable position. Gel memory foam mattresses have been shown to more evenly distribute a sleeper’s body weight, and remove that pressure and pain.

Tip #4: Develop Better Bedtime Practices

Doctors and sleep experts also recommend developing bedtime practices that are more conducive to sleep. These include such guidelines as: -Avoiding alcohol at least 4 hours before bedtime -Avoiding caffeine at least 8 hours before bedtime -Creating a cool, quiet, and comfortable haven for sleep -Turning off all electronic devices at bedtime Finding the right method of relieving nighttime back pain and getting a better night’s sleep might take some trial and error on your part, but being able to sleep soundly through the night and waking up to pain-free mornings is the reward that is waiting for you after trying out these tips for yourself!
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