5 Ways to Make Bedtime Greener

5 Ways to Make Bedtime Greener

Remember that quiet April 2020 when the skies were noticeably bluer from the lack of traffic? We still do. The blue skies weren’t just an aesthetic change, but represented a healthier earth. That’s what every Earth Day drives awareness of: honoring the earth we live on and celebrating the environmental initiatives we’ve taken to improve its conditions and spreading awareness of new ways to keep it up. Every step we take moves us a little further away from sullen images of smoggy skies and oil spills. It’s typical to associate pollution and other environmental ills with the great outdoors, but the truth is, pollution is even present in our own homes. It’s in our bedroom, all around us and right underneath us as we sleep. In some cases, making our bedtimes greener can help us more easily drift into sleep and see last year’s skies in our dreams. Here’s five ways you can make your bedroom more eco-friendly overall:

1. Get some plants.

This is the quickest way to make your room literally greener. Adding some plants to your decor has multiple benefits beyond merely its aesthetic. Being surrounded by nature literally boosts your mental health, and having plants in the room can replicate some of this effect. Plants can also filter air, particularly bamboo palms, English ivies, Chinese evergreen, and more.

2. Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

Those pretty plants alone won’t be able to do all the work in keeping your room clean. So as you put in the work to clean your room yourself, why not use the cleanest cleaning ingredients? A lot of cleaning substances are made with harsh chemicals that can irritate the lungs, eyes, and throat and are made from unsustainable, unnatural ingredients. Fortunately, more eco-friendly, natural, greener options are out there.

3. Get an air filtration system.

Chances are you won’t be able to fit in enough house plants to make a tremendous difference. That’s where air filtration systems step in! Many of these systems don’t make too much noise and are affordable enough for you to purchase multiple if you’d like to spread the air purity throughout your home.

4. Use more eco-friendly paint.

Paint fumes usually don’t smell the best, but that doesn’t mean all paints are toxic nowadays. Seek out paints that are low in “VOC”s -- volatile organic compounds. These are commonly found in paint and can have adverse effects on human health as well as the environment. As these effects became more known, the paint industry’s seen a call for gentler products.

5. Buy recycled furniture.

Next time you need a new desk, seek out something made with recycled materials. Chances are, they’ll look just as pretty as what you’ve already got. If you find that option too limiting, check out secondhand stores for furniture too. Many of them can actually be quite polished and stock high-end, curated pieces. For lights, use LED lightbulbs as they consume less energy, leaving a lighter carbon footprint. Many mattresses are now made with very eco-friendly materials as well, such as the memory foam mattress from Lull. Lull’s come a long way with our environmentalism: we’re a Sustainable Furnishing Council® Member and a Mattress Recycling Council Member due to our packaging and distribution system that minimizes our carbon footprint. We’re also CertiPUR-US®-Certified and make all our comfortable products with no harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, mercury, and ozone depleters. Our off-gassing and VOC concentration are kept to a minimum. As you can see, mattresses aren’t just made for the physical comfort of sleeping soundly, but also sleeping with the knowledge that you’ve made an eco-friendly choice. So check out the Original Lull mattress and try it out for 365 days free of charge!
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