The 7 Easiest Ways to Reduce Stress: Stress Awareness Month

The 7 Easiest Ways to Reduce Stress: Stress Awareness Month

At only 9 days into the month, for many of us April has already felt like a whirlwind. So you may have missed that the month of April is Stress Awareness Month! Beginning in 1992, every April is dedicated to raising awareness, bringing attention to the effects of stress, and how to better handle it. Everyone experiences stress in one form or another. Aside from being downright annoying, stress can actually cause or otherwise aggravate health problems. Stress is complex. Some stress is actually known to be helpful for prompting a sense of motivation, but too much stress can increase susceptibility to becoming sick or developing other health issues. Some of the top causes of stress are known to be money, work, family, economics and relationships. As many as two-thirds of U.S. workers feel some form of stress. Simply put, no matter how overwhelmed you may be feeling due to stress, we’re all in this together. And chances are, your source of stress is not much different from those around you. Everyone could use some help with de-stressing. Here are some simple ways you can de-stress in the true spirit of Stress Awareness month:

Identify the Cause

Identifying your cause of stress is the first step in reducing it. Knowing the source of your stress allows you to directly tackle the issue. Once you’re aware of the source of your stress, only then you can work towards minimizing it. In some instances, uncertainty may be inevitable, so if you’re having trouble finding the exact source of your stress don’t be alarmed. Instead, try to focus more so on how to overcome the feeling, rather than the cause. Regardless of how stressed you may be feeling, it’s important to remember that this feeling will eventually pass and there are brighter days ahead!


This tip may seem like a no-brainer, we breathe all the time right? Although we may be unconsciously breathing at all times, we often don’t pay attention to our breaths or concentrate solely on our inhales and exhales. Set aside a few minutes and take 10 slow breaths. On your inhale focus on what is causing your anxiety, and on the exhale let go of that feeling, expelling yourself of all negative emotions. You’ll find doing this simple action will dramatically improve your mental state.

Take a Walk

Even if it’s around your house, or around the outside of it, take some time to simply go on a walk. Walking boosts your endorphins, as well as helps clear your mind of all thoughts. Exercise, regardless of its intensity, greatly helps to reduce stress.

Get Good Quality Sleep

Getting a good night's rest is essential to maintaining good health as well as maintaining stress levels. However, being in bed for the recommended hours doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting quality sleep. In order to make sure you’re getting the best quality sleep for your health, you’ll need to be equipped with a premium mattress and the coziest bedding. Get the recommended amount of hours of sleep a night on a mattress that hugs back, so you can wake up feeling refreshed while your stress levels drop.

Wake Up Earlier

As you’re working towards achieving better quality sleep, waking up earlier will become easier. Waking up earlier in the morning will provide you with more time to get some extra tasks done. Therefore by the time other people are starting to wake up, you’ll feel as though you’ve already accomplished much of what was originally causing you anxiety. However, similar to getting good quality sleep, waking up earlier in the morning will only be attainable by sleeping on your perfect mattress.


Ever heard that laughter is the best form of medicine? Psychologically, the act of laughing automatically puts you into a better mood. Give yourself a moment to take a break from what you’re doing, and entertain yourself with whatever makes you laugh the most. You’ll find your stress will practically disappear once you’ve begun laughing.


We know it’s easy to stay glued to your phone, especially in a time like this, but the constant *ding* that causes you to check your phone every few minutes could be causing you extra stress. Allow yourself to unplug from your phone (or any other electronic devices that you’re constantly checking) every once in a while to reduce any feelings of anxiety tied to being constantly notified. If you’re currently feeling extra amounts of stress, rest assured that this is entirely normal, and you’re not alone. Instead of focusing on your stress, steer that energy towards mitigating it. With these simple tips, you’ll be sure to feel sweet relief.
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