4 Things to Watch Out for to Sleep Well on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving parties are often followed by cozy nights sleeping like a baby or just passing out two hours before bedtime from a turkey-fueled food coma. Some of this has to do with the relatively high tryptophan content in Thanksgiving foods, such as turkey and milk. There are other factors, such as overeating, alcohol, and the wear and tear of socializing with relatives you haven’t seen in a while also make an impact on our Thanksgiving sleep.
Not all of us will be peacefully drifting away to sleep on time, fueled by the relaxation of a day off, a harmonious family, and grandma’s delectable, one-of-a-kind cooking. For some of us, Thanksgiving can bring in opportunities for certain sleep-depleting activities. Here’s a list of some common ones we’ve rounded up and now you can fight back to enjoy a well-rested Black Friday right after.