6 Facts About Sleep and Your Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day! As we prep ourselves for flowers, sappy greeting cards, and of course that box of sweets from our sweets, we thought it might be fun to share some interesting facts about sleep and how it’s affected by our intimate relationships (and vice versa).
So sit back and enjoy the haul from your Valentine and check out these 6 facts about co-sleeping with your sweetie!
Co-Sleeping Fact #1: Only about 80% of couples sleep in the same bed. Why not all of them, you ask? Some of the reasons for separate sleeping quarters in partnerships include sleep disorders or snoring, opposing work and sleep schedules, and couples being unable to agree on what makes up the perfect mattress – some like a soft sleep surface, while others need some serious support.
Co-Sleeping Fact #2: More of us sleep better together than apart. Even though not all couples share a bed, more people report sleeping better with their partner, than without – sleep disruptions, or not. Sleep researchers have concluded that this is due to the endorphins that are released thanks to cuddling up with your sweetheart outweighing the annoyances of snoring, tossing and turning, or any other disturbances that might occur when sleeping with a partner.
Co-Sleeping Fact #3: Having a TV in the bedroom = less intimacy. One Italian study discovered that couples that keep a television in their room have half as much sex as those without one. If you find that not being able to watch TV in bed is a deal breaker, your best bet is to just say no to marathon Netflix sessions, and limit your tube time to make sure that you’re staying connected with your partner – Valentine’s Day or not!
Co-Sleeping Fact #4: Sleep apnea treatment can improve your relationship. Nighttime disturbances can not only mean less sleep, it can also cause both partners to have less than ideal days, resulting in more arguments and less overall happiness. Sleep studies have shown that if one partner is suffering from sleep apnea (one of the most common and treatable sleep disorders) and they seek treatment, it leads to higher levels of satisfaction for both parties. That’s a win-win!
Co-Sleeping Fact #5: Lack of sleep can lead to less passion. In one poll by the National Sleep Foundation, it was reported that almost 30% of couples surveyed were so tired from lack of quality sleep that they lost their sex drive. Yikes! Making sleep a priority not only boosts your energy during the day, it helps you to stay connected with your partner.
Co-Sleeping Fact #6: Chocolate can cause sleep disturbances. If you’re one of the many of us that plan to romance your honey with something sweet this Valentine’s Day, you want to make sure that it’s not going to keep them from getting the rest that they need and deserve. When it comes to blissful bedtimes, not all chocolate is created equal! The milk variety seems your best bet as it packs less of a stimulating punch. Hershey’s reports that it’s milk chocolate bar contains a mere 9 mg of caffeine, which is less than you’ll find in decaf coffee. While their dark chocolate bar holds 30 mg of the stimulant – more than a cup of brewed tea.
And now you have some interesting facts to discuss over Valentine’s dinner and help you make the most of the holiday with your beloved. Enjoy your sweet dreams with your sweetie!