Activities to Help You Sleep
No matter how much you know you need to sleep on time, some days your body and mind just won’t let you. Whether it’s stress about your final exams, a pounding heartbeat from an adrenaline-surging experience, or excitement for your upcoming vacation to Hawaii, there are a million life events preventing people from unwinding and falling asleep as they please. Fortunately, they aren’t undefeatable: a lot of relaxing activities during the day can help you ease off the energy.
We’ve already listed some activities on our blog back in September, such as reading books, meditating, putting on some calming music, doing yoga, and organizing your next day. Since then, we’ve also written a blog post on apps that can help guide you through the above. While we still stand by the above activities, we’d like to add some more to consider as part of your new regimen: