5 Easy Ways to Conquer Stress and Sleep Better
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Heart racing, muscles tensing, busy mind and palms sweating. What do all of these things have in common? They’re all related to stress. Whether you’re running late, making deadlines, or planning a big event, stress is a feeling we are all quite familiar with. Stress can affect your body both physically and mentally; sometimes causing headaches and stomach pain, or other times anxiety and poor focus. Just the right amount of stress can be a good thing: it can motivate you, and give you the energy to stay on track with your tasks. However, too much stress is overwhelming and will consequently lead to negative effects. While most are aware of how stress can affect your mood and behavior, what you may not know is how stress can affect your sleep. Sleep is incredibly important to your overall health, therefore if stress is getting in the way of a good night’s sleep, it’s also comprising your wellbeing. The heightened adrenaline and heart rate that come along with being stressed make it far more difficult to not only fall asleep but to stay asleep throughout the night. Even with the best quality mattress and bedding, getting enough sleep while stressed can be difficult. So if you’ve been feeling some amounts of extra (and unneeded) stress, we’re here to help. Here are 5 ways you can help combat stress, and ensure better quality sleep.
The first step in fighting against stress is first locating the center of the issue. Once identifying what is causing you your stress, only then can you find ways to help fix it. Upon understanding your source of stress, you may even realize that you have no need to be worried over it in the first place.
Practicing routine meditation and deep breathing can help tremendously with stress levels. You can practice relaxation techniques from the comfort of your mattress either before going to sleep or upon waking up!
One of the most common ways to reduce stress is to exercise! Exercising during the day allows you to blow off any sense of tension, and the more flexible your muscles are, the easier it is to let them relax. You don’t need to be running a marathon or doing any heavy lifting, moderate exercise each day is enough to drastically reduce any unwanted feelings of stress.
Along with plenty of other health benefits, some good ol’ vitamin D has been proven to help combat stress, and help promote sleepiness at night. The more sunlight exposure you get during the day will mean the more tired and relaxed you’ll feel once it’s time to get your best night's rest.
Studies have shown that journaling before bed can be a great stress-reducer. Allowing yourself to unpack your thoughts and worries will allow you to better prioritize and manage any overwhelming emotions. You can write about how you feel, what’s making you worried, or what you hope to accomplish when you wake up: whatever it is that will put your mind at ease. In largely stressful times, it can be easy to let the dreaded feeling get the best of you. Just remember that stress is only a feeling, and with proper care it will eventually pass. With these 5 tips, stress can be one less thing to worry about!