How to Conquer the “October Sleep Slump”

How to Conquer the “October Sleep Slump”

Written by: Lull Team



Time to read 3 min

Now that October is in full swing, it’s definitely no longer summer, but unfortunately our bodies are still adjusting. We all have to make the transition between the more relaxing and sunny summertime into our hectic and busy fall schedules. For some, this can mean going back to school and re-adjusting to waking up early, for others it may mean work is quickly picking up, or if you’re a parent you’re now in the midst of dealing with both. In case you’ve never heard of it before, the “October sleep slump” is very real, and affects us all. The “October sleep slump” comes about every year for a number of reasons: the shift in routines and schedules, the changing of the seasons, and the upcoming daylight savings. As daylight savings gets closer, we experience less sunlight upon waking up and throughout the day. Waking up in the darkness can really make springing out of bed difficult. In addition, the drop in temperature makes it harder to stay warm at night and makes it almost impossible to leave your covers in the morning. Now before you give up all hope, there are ways to defeat the dreaded sleep slump so you can get your best night's rest. Here are 4 ways you can stop the “October Sleep Slump” from getting the better of you:

Know Your Bedtime and Stick to It

We know having a bedtime can remind you of the days when you were a child, but having a set bedtime is crucial in overcoming the October sleep slump. For adults, 7-9 hours of sleep a night is required to keep your body in tip-top shape, and to keep you out of a slump. Around 9 hours of sleep is necessary for teenagers. If you’re the parent of a teen, make sure your teen is not sleeping in on the weekends more than 2 hours past their normal wake-up time, as that will mess with their sleeping schedule and make it more difficult to get up for school on the weekdays. Lastly, children need anywhere between 10-13 hours so if you’re a parent, make sure your kids have an early bedtime. The only way to ensure you’re getting your necessary hours of quality rest is to set a reasonable bedtime, and make sure you follow it!

Let Your Body Power Down Before Bed

In order to fully achieve a proper good night’s sleep, you have to allow your body to power down. This means to avoid exercise, food or caffeinated beverages an hour before bed. Screens of any kind can also inhibit the powering down of your body. Bringing your laptop or phone into bed creates an association between work and staying awake with your bed, which will of course make it harder to fall asleep. Try to engage in relaxing activities before bed such as reading a book or meditation.

Brighten Up Your Room

This one is important. Perhaps the greatest cause of the October sleep slump is the absence of sunlight that comes along with the fall season. Trying to get out of bed while it’s still dark can be a huge hassle to say the least, so try to have all windows and curtains open when waking up. If your room lacks any form of natural light, make sure to get a sun lamp that will mimic natural sunlight. Nothing will get you out of bed more than that precious vitamin D.

New Mattress and Bedding

If you’re really serious about defeating the October sleep slump, then you will need to invest in the best quality mattress and bedding. With an ultra-comfy mattress, we promise getting to sleep will be so much easier, and you will feel truly well rested — enough that even waking up won’t be as hard! Sticking to your set bedtime won’t be a drag, you’ll actually be excited to go to bed. A great mattress is not all, you’ll need the right duvet and sheet set to keep you extra warm on those cold nights. Better yet, get yourself some new pillows for the extra bit of needed comfort! It’s true that we all unfortunately fall victim to the October sleep slump, many of us not even realizing it was ever a real thing! But not to fret, with these tips you are sure to have the best tools to fully conquer this year’s slump.